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Prof. Amira Refaat Saeed Ahmed :: Publications:

Evaluation the Effect of Evidence Based Guidelines for Maternity Nurses to Cope with Aborted Women
Authors: Nadia Abdulla Mohammed1, Amira Refaat Said2, *
Year: 2018
Keywords: Abortion Care, Maternity Nurses, Evidence-Based Knowledge & Practice
Journal: International Journal of Nursing and Health Science
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Pages: 14-22
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Amira Rafaat Saeed Ahmed _paper 7 after published.pdf
Supplementary materials Amira Rafaat Saeed Ahmed _paper 7 after published.pdf

Caring of the women who are considering abortion is a sensitive area of practice that requires appropriate evidence knowledge, skills and practice. Aim: to evaluate the effect of evidence based guidelines for maternity nurses to cope with aborted women. Material & method: A quasi experimental design was used. A total sample of (67) staff nurses were recruited in the study. Setting: The study was conducted in obstetrics & Gynecological department at Benha University Hospital. Tools: two tools were used I): An interviewing questionnaire sheet II): Evidence nursing care practice for practices of abortion care. Results: revealed that there was a highly statistically significant difference regarding studied nurses' knowledge about evidence based practice in nursing and abortion pre & post guidelines. As well as 73.2% of nurses had poor performance level before evidence guidelines. However, 86.5% of them had good performance level immediately after evidence guidelines respectively. Conclusion: The implementation of an evidence based guidelines was effective and significantly improved nurse’s knowledge and performance towards abortion and abortion care. Recommendations: The nursing curriculum should include the evidence based practice to update the evidence knowledge regarding recent advances in abortion care. Specific procedure booklets should be available to standardize the nursing care provided in obstetrics department.

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