Field experiments were done in Qualubia
Governorate on ten varities of wheat during the
period from November 1992 -to May 1993 to study
the population density of soil acari. The soil
mites associated with wheat varieties belong to
the -five groups; Cryptostiginata, Astigmata,
Heterostigmata, Prostigmata and Mesostigmata.
Field of serrn variety included the greatest
number of soil mites, while the least was found
in that of Pick variety. The average number of
mites associated with’ the wheat varieties in a
descending order were 569, 438, 364, 357, 264,
245, 231, 171, 167 and 125 individuals/bOO cc
soil were found under the var. Serrn, Harti.ENO
16, Enklab, Harti. ENO 4, IDO 377, Line 4230/91,
Sakha 8, Sakha 69, Copper and Pick respectively.
Heterostigmata and Astigmata seemed to be
numerically insignificant compared with other
acari groups. Prostigmata dominated other acari