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Prof. Basem Ahmed Zoheir :: Experience:

  • I focused on study the mineral structural formulae and distribution in the rock clans. Along the way, however, I realized that the field work and sample collection form ancient mine was what I enjoyed the most. What made it more interesting are the vague historical stories of the ancient miners and the first geologists. Mineralogy and exploration geology were a natural career choice after this. However, soon after graduation I received an offer from the university to start a TA and then lecturer position. Besides the teaching capacities, implementing novel scientific research guaranteed high level of knowledge and qualification in supervising graduate students. I have always felt that my hard work in research and teaching was lauded and appreciated. While conducting research with a work group, it has helped me to develop a thorough insight into project handling, and mosaic the results. I improved my skills in computer software, to achieve my goal of undertaking cutting-edge research in advanced geological mapping and structural analysis. Aside of the research, I always believe that I must return to the academic world for further growth and empowering my department and university. I have been a member and PI in a couple of research projects stuying gold mineralization in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Cameroon. In addition, I studied the chromite ore in Ankara, Turkey together with Turkish researcher in 2007.
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