The ovine testis undergoes several histological changes during it's development, there are three stages
in development, prepuberty stage, maturity stage and adulthood stage. At early ages from the first month
till the fifth months (prepubertystage), no spermatogenesis isinitiated and the testicular parenchyma is
composed of spermatic cords only which are lined with prespermatogonia and Sertoli cells, the lumens
of these cords are filled by basophilic material and termed solid cords. The solid cords fill the majority
of testis at one month and decreased in amount with the advanceof age. The age of maturity begins at
6-8 months of age and the stages of spermatogenesis for formingspermatozoa is initiated (maturity
stage). Then the testis produces more amounts of spermatozoa (adulthood stage). |