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Dr. Ehsan Saad Soliman Saad :: Publications:

Emotional Stability of Nurses and its Relation to Their Job Crafting
Authors: Ehsan S. S. Saad, Faten M. Ahmed
Year: 2019
Keywords: Emotional stability, Nurses, Job crafting
Journal: Not Available
Volume: 1
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Ehsan Saad Soliman
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ehsan Saad Soliman Saad_ehsan8.pdf
Supplementary materials Ehsan Saad Soliman Saad_ehsan8.pdf

Context: Emotional stability is the process in which the personality is continuously striving for a greater sense of emotional health. Job crafting and can be seen as a specific form of proactive behavior in which the nurse initiates changes (redesign) in the level of job demands and job resources to make their job more meaningful. Nurses with high emotional stability are more tending to adapt to changes in their job and enhance their job crafting. Aim: This study aimed to assess the emotional stability of nurses and their relation to their job crafting. Methods: The study was conducted at the Psychiatric Mental Health Hospital in Benha city, Qalubia governorate, Egypt. A convenient sample of 100 nurses working in the setting mentioned above. A descriptive correlational design utilized to achieve the aim of the study. Two tools used for data collection, namely; Emotional Stability Assessment Questionnaire and Job Crafting Assessment Scale. Results: The results reveal that near to two thirds (63%) of the studied nurses had a moderate level of emotional stability, and near to half (48%) of the studied nurses reported a low level of job crafting. Conclusion: The study concluded that there was a positive, highly statistically significant correlation between the emotional stability of the studied nurses and their job crafting. Recommendation: Conduction of further studies in order to assess the relationship between emotional stability and job crafting with replication of this study on a larger probability sample from different geographical locations at the Arab Republic of Egypt. In addition to the establishment of a training program about emotional stability for nurses as needed, particularly those working under a stressful situation like the psychiatric mental health nurses and identify the needed corrective actions. Hospital administrators and nursing decision-makers should encourage the conduction of workshops regarding job crafting for nurses.

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