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Prof. Emad Hassan Mohamed Ebrahim Zahran :: Publications:

The exp (-φ (ξ))-Expansion Method and Its Application for Solving Nonlinear Evolution Equations
Authors: MAE Abdelrahman, EHM Zahran, MMA Khater
Year: 2015
Keywords: The exp ( ) ( ) − φξ -Expansion Method , Dynamical System in a New Double -Chain Model of DNA, A Diffusive Predator -Prey System , Traveling Wave Solutions , Solitary Wave Solutions , Kink -Anti Kink Shaped
Journal: International Journal of Modern Nonlinear Theory and Application
Volume: 4
Issue: 01
Pages: 37- 47
Publisher: Online March 2015 in SciRes
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Emad Hassan Mohamed Ebrahim Zahran_IJMNTA_2015031113530176.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The exp ( ) ( ) − φξ -expansion method is used as the first time to investigate the wave solution of a nonlinear dynamical system in a new double-Chain model of DNA and a diffusive predator -prey system. The proposed method also can be used for many other nonlinear evolution equations.

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