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Prof. Emad Hassan Mohamed Ebrahim Zahran :: Publications:

Exact Traveling Wave Solutions for to Nano-Solitons of Ionic Waves Propagation along Microtubules in Living Cells and Nano-Ionic Currents of MTs
Authors: Emad HM Zahran
Year: 2015
Keywords: Extended Jacobian Elliptic Function Expansion Method , Nano -Solitons of Ionic Waves Propagation along Microtubules in Living Cells, Nano -Ionic Currents of MTs , Traveling Wave Solutions
Journal: World Journal of Nano Science and Engineering
Volume: 5
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 78- 87
Publisher: Online September 201 5 in SciRe
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Emad Hassan Mohamed Ebrahim Zahran_WJNSE_2015082410571396.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

In this work, the extended Jacobian elliptic function expansion method is used as the first time to evaluate the exact traveling wave solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. The validity and reliability of the method are tested by its applications to nano-solitons of ionic waves propagation along microtubules in living cells and nano-ionic currents of MTs which play an important role in biology.

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