You are in:Home/Publications/Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach

Prof. Emad Hassan Mohamed Ebrahim Zahran :: Publications:

Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach
Authors: Ahmet Bekir ; Emad Zahran
Year: 2021
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
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Ahmet Bekir , Emad Zahran,(2021);Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach, Optical and Quantum Electronics; 53:118.Ahmet Bekir , Emad Zahran,(2021);Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach, Optical and Quantum Electronics; 53:118.Ahmet Bekir , Emad Zahran,(2021);Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach, Optical and Quantum Electronics; 53:118.Ahmet Bekir , Emad Zahran,(2021);Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach, Optical and Quantum Electronics; 53:118.Ahmet Bekir , Emad Zahran,(2021);Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach, Optical and Quantum Electronics; 53:118.Ahmet Bekir , Emad Zahran,(2021);Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach, Optical and Quantum Electronics; 53:118.Ahmet Bekir , Emad Zahran,(2021);Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach, Optical and Quantum Electronics; 53:118.Ahmet Bekir , Emad Zahran,(2021);Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach, Optical and Quantum Electronics; 53:118.Ahmet Bekir , Emad Zahran,(2021);Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach, Optical and Quantum Electronics; 53:118.Ahmet Bekir , Emad Zahran,(2021);Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach, Optical and Quantum Electronics; 53:118.Ahmet Bekir , Emad Zahran,(2021);Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach, Optical and Quantum Electronics; 53:118.Ahmet Bekir , Emad Zahran,(2021);Optical soliton solutions of the thin-film ferro-electric materials equation according to the Painlevé approach, Optical and Quantum Electronics; 53:118.

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