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Prof. Emad Hassan Mohamed Ebrahim Zahran :: Publications:

Impressive and accurate solutions to the generalized Fokas-Lenells model;
Authors: Ahmet Bekir , Emad Zahran, A. Gholami Davodi
Year: 2022
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
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In this article, we study the generalized full nonlinearity perturbed complex Fokas-Lenells model (GFLM) which is a general dynamical representation of modern electronic communications “Internet blogs, Facebook communication and Twitter comments”. The modified simple equation method (MSEM) has been applied effectively to generate closed form solutions. On the other hand, the Riccati-Bernoulli Sub-ODE method (RPSODM) which reduces the steps of calculation has been applied perfectly to achieve accurate solution to this equation. We established the solutions achieved by these different methods in same vein and parallel.

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