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Dr. Esraa Zedan El Shahat Zedan :: Publications:

emotional skills scale
Authors: esraa zidan elshahat zidan
Year: 2017
Keywords: emotional skills scale
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: esraa zidan elshahat zidan
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Esraa Zedan El Shahat Zedan _emotional skills scale.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Emotional skills scale for children with intellectual disability The scale consists of three dimensions as follows: Recognize facial expressions ---- eight phrases. Understanding Emotions------------- Eight Phrases. . Control of emotions ------ Eight phrases The first dimension: Recognizing emotional facial expressions: It refers to the child's ability to recognize the movements or positions of the facial muscles, and these movements and positions convey and suggest the emotional state of individuals (happiness, sadness, fear, anger) The second dimension: understanding emotions : It refers to the child's ability to understand emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, anger) in different social situations The third dimension: controlling emotions It refers to the child's ability to control his emotions and express them in an appropriate way, such as expressing happiness in pleasant situations, overcoming feelings of sadness by returning a smile to his face, feelings of fear and anger by returning to his calm, and asking for help from othersScale application instructions Put a mark in front of the response chosen by the participant - Paraphrase the phrase in another way if the participant has difficulty understanding the phrase - Take into account not to suggest to the participant any of the responses debug key : The debug key is as follows Each statement contains two responses "a, b" and is awarded (one score) for the correct response and (zero) for the wrong response according to each skill. The application of the scale depends on the one-on-one interview with the child, where the interviewer reads the items and asks the child to choose the response that he deems correct in his opinion. He places a check mark in front of the response chosen by the participating child

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