Background: Congenital clubfoot has a significant impact on the physical performance and life of the affected child and leads to reduced quality of life of the child. One of the ways to improve quality of life is to use the continuous care model. Aim of the study was to assess the effect of continuous care model on mothers’ knowledge, satisfaction and the outcomes of their children undergoing congenital club foot surgery. Method: A quasi-experimental design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting: The study was conducted in the out patient and inpatient orthopedic pediatric departments at Benha University Hospital and Benha Specialized Pediatric Hospital. Subject: A purposive sample of 50 children accompanied their mothers. Tools: Three tools were used to collect data: tool I Structured interview questionnaire sheet, tool II Pediatric Mothers' Satisfaction Questionnaire, tools III Children outcomes including Child Health Questionnaire &Post Operative Complications Sheet. Results: The vast majority of studied mothers have adequate knowledge & high satisfaction after one month of implementation of continuous care model. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the studied children have good quality of life after one month of implementation of continuous care model and all of them don’t have infection and hematoma after three months of implementation of continuous care model. Conclusion: The Continuous Care Model had a significant positive effect in improving mothers’ knowledge, satisfaction and outcomes of their children undergoing clubfoot surgery. Recommendations: The continuous care model should be integrated as a nursing intervention for children undergoing clubfoot surgery.