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Prof. Gamal Abdel - Raheem Mohamed Sosa :: Publications:

Interrelationship between milk constituents, serum oestradiol and vaginal mucus indicators of oestrus in Egyptian buffaloes
Authors: Mohamed MM Kandiel, RAM El‐Naggar, AE Abdel‐Ghaffar, GAM Sosa, M A Abou El‐Roos
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition
Volume: 98
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 197-200
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Gamal Abdel - Raheem Mohamed Sosa_Interrelationship between milk constituents, serum oestradiol.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The intensity of heat signs in buffaloes is generally low and the incidence of suboestrus varied from 15 to 73% (Buffalopedia). The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of monitoring the changes in some milk constituents, oestradiol levels and electrical conductivity of vaginal mucus during peri‐oestrous period in prediction of the timing of oestrus in buffaloes. Twenty‐one Egyptian buffaloes aged 3–9 year, 1st–6th lactations, were examined by oestrous detector and ultrasonographically for monitoring the ovarian and uterine activity for 7 days around the time of standing oestrus. Sodium, potassium, chloride and lactose were assayed in aqueous phase of milk; besides, oestradiol was estimated in serum. Current results declared highly significant acute changes in milk constituents at the time of oestrus characterized by peaking of chloride and sodium levels and lowering of potassium and lactose

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