You are in:Home/Publications/"A Study on the Use of Semi-Open Groin System for Protection the North-West Coast of Egypt along the Mediterranean Sea". Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Offshore and Polar Engineering, Conference, Greece, June 17-22, 2012.

Prof. Gamal Helmy Mohamed Elsaeed :: Publications:

"A Study on the Use of Semi-Open Groin System for Protection the North-West Coast of Egypt along the Mediterranean Sea". Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Offshore and Polar Engineering, Conference, Greece, June 17-22, 2012.
Authors: Ayman M. Mostafa, M. Hasan and G. Elsaeed
Year: 2012
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Offshore and Polar Engineering, Conference, Greece
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 1405-1412
Publisher: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Offshore and Polar Engineering, Conference, Greece,
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Gamal Helmy Mohamed Elsaeed_A Study on the Use of Semi-Open Groin System.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This paper presents groins with a clear opening in their cross section as a tool for protection the shore area. The opening allows water circulation and flushing in the near shore zone while protection the swimmers from direct exposure to wave attack. The possible impact of the opening size and the internal properties of the groin on the shore line changes and water circulation have been investigated. The dominant wave/current conditions along the North-West coast of Egypt have been considered for various possible configurations of the semi-open groin to identify the appropriate design. Wind and wave data of Al-Daba Meteorological Station (DMS) have been adopted for the period 2000-2005. Attention has been given to the Egyptian Environmental Law 4/1994 and bathymetric survey of the bed contours has been prepared for Ras Al-Daba Zone in the North-West coast of Egypt. A numerical model, namely known as Surface water Modeling System (SMS) ver.10, has been adopted in the simulation. The results of the model have been presented in convenient graphical formats and analyzed to select the appropriate configuration of the semi-open groin suitable. The results and analysis provide general guidelines for the use of semi-open groins in coastal resorts that can be applied to wide range of wave climate. It has also been found that semi-open groins can be of good help to provide safe swimming conditions with minimum impact on the shoreline if groins were properly studied. Wide gap spacing and permeable groins generally reduce the shoreline changes.

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