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Prof. Hanaa Abd El- Gawad Abd El -megeed :: Publications:

Perception of Caregivers Regarding Elderly Home Health Care at Kalyobia Rural Area
Authors: Salwa, A. A. Hassen, ** Howyida, S. Abd El-Hameed, *** Hanaa, A. A. Yossif & **** Nahed S.EL Sayed *Professor of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University, **Assistant Professor of Community Health Nursing, ***Lecturer of Communit
Year: 2012
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
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This study is a descriptive research aiming to assess the perception of caregivers regarding elderly home health care at kalyobia rural area. Setting: This study was conducted at three rural health units in Benha City that had high percentage of elderly attendance named (Warwara – Moshtohour –Gamgara villages) and in elderly home at Benha. The sample: Included 100 elderly and their caregivers chosen by systemic random sample from those attending the mentioned settings. Tools: I- An interviewing questionnaire to assess general characteristics of the elderly and their caregivers, caregivers' knowledge and home care for elderly, and II- observational checklist for assessing caregivers' practices for urine analysis for sugar, insulin injection, foot care, diabetic diet regimen and caregivers' knowledge-related practices about caring for hypertensive elderly such as: Measuring blood pressure. Result: This study showed that most of elderly caregivers were females and half of them in the age range 30-< 45 years, and less than two-fifths had secondary educational level. There were significant relations between caregivers' knowledge and their age and educational level. This study concluded that there was no statistically significant relation between diabetic elderly practices of caregivers and their educational level. As well, no statistically significant relation was detected between hypertensive elderly and caregivers' knowledge related practice and their age. Caregivers of elderly had unsatisfactory level of knowledge about elderly changes and needs. The study recommended that, elderly and their caregivers should be offered continuous home health care management program; moreover, promotion and enhancement of the caregivers' knowledge about elderly changes, needs and rights Key words: elderly, caregivers, diabetes and hypertension.

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