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Prof. Hanaa Abd El- Gawad Abd El -megeed :: Publications:

Perception of Farmers Regarding Brucellosis at Kalyobia Governorate
Authors: Wafaa Ata Mohammed , 2 Howyida Sadek Abd El-Hameed, 3 Hanaa Abd El-Gawad Abd El-Megeed, 4 Samah Said Sabery
Year: 2017
Keywords: Brucellosis, Zoonotic, Farmers.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Hanaa Abd El- Gawad Abd El -megeed_Perception of Farmers Regarding Brucellosis.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease caused by gram- negative bacteria that is pathogenic for a wide variety of animals and human. The aim: of this study was to assess perception of farmers regarding brucellosis at kalyobia governorate. Research design: A descriptive research design was used in carrying out this study. Setting: The study was conducted in sixteen (61) veterinary health units at kalyobia governorate. The sample: A simple random sample technique was used to select 023 farmers in direct contact with animals from total (0233). Tools: A structured interviewing questionnaires to assess the socio-demographic characteristics of studied sample, family history of brucellosis infection, their knowledge and attitude regarding brucellosis and observational checklist to assess practices and home environment of studied sample regarding brucellosis. Results: The majority of studied sample were male, 30.34 aged from 03 to less than 33, and 06.1 % of them were illiterate, and the knowledge of studied sample regarding brucellosis were poor. Conclusion: Slightly more than three quarters of studied sample had poor knowledge and more than two third had indifferent attitude regarding brucellosis while slightly more than half of studied sample had unsatisfactory practice regarding brucellosis. There was no statistical significant relation between socio-demographic characteristics of studied sample and brucellosis Recommendations: Health education program should be given for farmers about brucellosis, its causes, mode of transmission, signs and symptoms, and methods of prevention.

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