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Prof. Hanaa Abd El- Gawad Abd El -megeed :: Publications:

Self-Management Educational Program for Improving Asthmatic Older Adults' Behaviors
Authors: Hanaa Abd El Gawad Abd El Megeed Yossif1, Mahboba Sobhy Abd El Aziz1, Manal Mansour Mostfa2
Year: 2015
Keywords: Asthma, Older Adults, Self-Management, Nurses
Journal: American Journal of Nursing Science
Volume: 4
Issue: 6
Pages: 308-316
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Hanaa Abd El- Gawad Abd El -megeed_Self-Management.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Self-management can be used to live a more effective and efficient daily life. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of self-management educational program on improving the asthmatic older adults' behaviors. Design: A quasi experimental design was used. Setting: This study was conducted at chest outpatient clinics in Benha University Hospital and Benha Health Insurance Hospital. Sample: A purposive sample of 53 asthmatic older adults was chosen from total 229. Tool: A structured interviewing questionnaire to assess asthmatic older adults' socio-demographic characteristics, history of asthma, characteristics of asthma, and their knowledge related to asthma, also their self- management behaviors to manage asthma. Results: Findings of this study revealed that less than three quarters of the studied subjects were females and had asthma duration more than 10 years, their knowledge and self- management behaviors regarding asthma were improved post program with highly statistically significant differences between total knowledge and total self- management behaviors pre and post program implementation (p

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