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Prof. Hend Ahmed Ahmed Elbarbary :: Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
The 1st Scientific Conference for young researchers under the slogan of “Developments in Scientific research” Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University, Egypt. 2013
Recombinant corona virus nucleocapsid protein based enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibody to corona virus, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University, 24/2/2013 2013
Awareness mechanisms and accreditation visit from the National Authority for Quality Assurance 2013
The 7th Biennial Symposium on Polyamines in parasites at Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon, USA in the period from July 10th to 13th 2012
The 38th Annual Conference of the Association of Egyptian-American Scholars (AEAS), December 26-28, Ain Shams University, Egypt. 2011
Discussing the results of General Evaluation with Leaders & Beneficiaries 2011
How to apply course specification program for post graduation 2010
Educational Evaluation 2010
Effective communication skills 2010
Presentation skills 2010
Self-Evaluation of Academic Institution 2010
Renewing the curricula courses 2010
E-Learning 2010
" Student Evaluation" 2010
"The popularity of post graduation" organized by Post graduation development committee 2010
The high price of meat, causes and ways to solve 2010
Food Poisoning" organized by Disasters and Crises 2009
The 22nd Association for Functional Food peptides meeting, Branch of Japanese society of Food Engineering”, Conference room No. 807, p7, International Conventional Center, Osaka, Japan.             2009
The 6th NIZO Dairy Conference for functional dairy ingredients, Holland       2009
Improving Financial Resources" organized by Disasters and Crises 2009
The 47th Annual meeting of Kinki Branch of Japanese Society for Nutrition and Food Sciences”, A11, p 28, Nara Women’s University, Nara, Japan. 2008
The 4th international Scientific Conference for application of biotechnology in veterinary medicine”, Mansora University, Egypt (5-6) April. 2005
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