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Prof. Ekbal Mohamed Adel Ibrahim :: Publications:

Comparison of biogenic amines levels in different processed cheese varieties with regulatory specifications
Authors: Ekbal Mohamed Adel Ibrahim1 &Amr Abdel-Moamen Amer2
Year: 2010
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ekbal Mohamed Adel Ibrahim_bio amins.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Cheeses are among high- protein containing foodstuffs in which enzymatic and microbial activities cause the formation of biogenic amines from amino acids decarboxylation. Forty five samples of different kinds of commercially processed cheeses made from Cheddar, Ras and Gouda (15 of each) were collected from local supermarkets, Egypt. The concentrations of biogenic amines (Tyramine, histamine and cadaverine) were assayed by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Cheddar cheese had the highest content of tyramine and cadaverine ( 22.12± 1.35 and 10.36± 0.78 mg/100g,respectively). While, the highest histamine level of 17.43± 1.05 was found in processed Ras cheese samples. In conclusion, comparing the obtained results with the recommended standard by Food and Drug Administration, high levels of biogenic amines in various processed cheeses consumed in Egypt exceeded the permissible value (10 mg%) which seemed to pose a threat to public health.

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