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Dr. Islam Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim Sabeq :: Publications:

High prevalence of Campylobacter in broiler flocks is a crucial factor for food poisoning frequency in humans
Authors: Wataru Yamazaki, Islam Ibrahim Sabike, and Satoshi Sekiguchi
Year: 2017
Keywords: Campylobacter, broiler flocks, food poisoning
Journal: Japanes journal of infectious diseases
Volume: 70
Issue: 6
Pages: 691-692
Publisher: Japanes journal of infectious diseases
Local/International: International
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The purpose of this study was to determine the potential association and correlation between Campylobacter prevalence in broiler chicken farms and Campylobacter food poisoning frequency in humans. We assessed the relationship between seasonal changes in Campylobacter prevalence in broiler farms and food poisoning frequency, and compared this to the corresponding patterns for Salmonella.

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