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Prof. Magdy Abd El-Hamied Abdel-Rahman Soltan :: Publications:

Technical and economical feasibility of integrated fish-duck culture in Egypt.
Authors: Abdel- Hakim N.F. ; Bakeer M.N. and Soltan M.A.
Year: 2000
Keywords: Technical, economical feasibility, integrated fish-duck culture, Egypt.
Journal: The first international conference (Agricultural economics in Islamic world), Al Azhar Univ., Cairo, Egypt from 22th to 25th April 2000.
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Magdy Abd El-Hamied Abdel-Rahman Soltan_5.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

An experiment carried out in El- Abase, Aquculture Research center, sharkiai governorate, Egypt during one growing for 120 days in earth ponds. The objective of the study is to determine technical and economical feasibility of integrated fish – duck in Egypt in monoculture system. The two treatments used were duck manure(DM) and duck manure with artificial food (DM+ F). Each treatment was performed in triplicate each in an earthen pond of an area of 2000 m2. Each pond was stocked with 4000 Nile tilapia (Oriochromis niloticus) Resultus obtained can be summarized in the following. - Percentage of net returns to total costs for DM and DM+ f treatments were 70.4 and 64%, respectively, indicating that the highest returns over costs were obtained by the DM. The lower net returns over costs obtained by thee DM+F group had attributed mainly to the fish feeds which did not enhance the growth of fish to over the feed costs. - The integration of ducks to tilapia culture with artificial feeds ( DM+F) increased significantly (p

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