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Prof. Mahbouba Sobhy Abd El aziz :: Supervised MSc:

Title In progress/Completed
womens perception and practice regarding their rights of reproductive health in rural area In Progress
quality of life among elderly people with bronchial asthma in benha city Completed
occupational health : the effect of poultry slaughter houses environment on workers health at kalyobia governorate Completed
prevention of rotavirus infection among the mothers and their children at maternal and child health centers in benha city In Progress
job satisfaction of maternal and child health centers nurses in kalyobia governorate In Progress
assessment of typhoid fever awareness among population in rurak areas at kalyobia governorate Completed
nutritional rehabilitation guideline for hemodialysis patient in benha city Completed
the impact of impaired physical mobility on activities of daily of older adults in kalyobia governorate Completed
quality of life among older adults with arthritis attending the out patient clinics in benha hospitals Completed
the effect of urinary incontinence on quality of elderly people in benha city Completed
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