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Prof. Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil :: Committees details:

Committee Year
9) Managerial Editor of Annals of Agricultural Sciences, Egypt, from 2010 until now. 2010
3) Editor and Reviewer of Egyptian Journal of Sheep and Goat Science, from 2009 to till now, 2009
1) Reviewing member of the Egyptian Universities Promotion Committees (EUPC) from 2008 till now (Ani 2008
1) Editor in International Journal of Livestock Production from 2008 till now; 2008
1) Reviewing member of the Egyptian Universities Promotion Committees (EUPC) from 2008 till now (Ani 2008
3) Member of the Permanent Committee for Distinguished Research and Researcher, Qassim University fr 2007
4) Member of Academic Accreditation, Qassim University from 2007 till now, Saudi Arabia 2007
4) Member of Academic Accreditation, Qassim University from 2007 till November 2009, Saudi Arabia. 2007
4) Scientific Consultant in Journal of Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine Sciences, Qassim Univers 2007
4) Member of Academic Accreditation, Qassim University from 2007 till November 2009, Saudi Arabia. 2007
3) Member of the Permanent Committee for Distinguished Research, Qassim University from 2007 till 20 2007
2) Reviewer in Livestock Science from 2002 till now, 2002
2) Member of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Committee, Qassim University from 2002 till now, Saudi A 2002
Member of the Committee of Evaluating the National Agricultural Research Projects, from 1994 to 1996 1994
5) Member of the Committee of Evaluating the National Agricultural Research Projects, from 1994 to 1 1994
6) Reviewer in World Rabbit Science, from 1993 till now, France and Spain, 1993
8) Reviewer in the Egyptian Journal of Animal Production from 1992 until now. 1992
7) Editor and Reviewer in Egyptian Journal of Rabbit Science, from 1990 to 2000, 1990
5) Editor and Reviewer in American Journal of Applied Rabbit Research, from 1990 to 1993, USA. 1990
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