Mandatory Rotation of Auditors in Saudi Context: An Empirical Investigation of its Impact on Detecting Material Financial misstatements
This Study aims at investigating the impact of the external auditor mandatory rotation on his ability to detect material misstatements in financial statements of significant variables associated positivity/negatively with mandatory rotation have been selected to test the study hypotheses.
The study uses a questionnaire to elicit opinions of a sample of auditors who are working in auditing firms in Saudi Arabia. The hypotheses were tested using various statistical tools. The results reveal that: (i) there is a relationship between the mandatory audit rotation and both of the following variables: properties of professional suspicion; learning curve; the professional independence; and the audit fees. (ii) the professional independence and the audit fees have a higher significant impact than other variables on auditors’ ability to detect financial misstatements.
The recommendations of this study are: (1) An extension of this study, the inclusion of other independent variables , It can also investigate other elicit opinions , corporation's Board , audit committees . (2) the professional bodies should manage training programs that enhance awareness of the adoption of auditors industry specialization within the mandatory rotation of auditors.
Keywords: Mandatory rotation of auditors, professional independence, professional skepticism, learning, audit fees.