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Prof. Mahmoud Ibrahim Moussa :: Supervised MSc:

Title In progress/Completed
1. On Application of Stable Matching Algorithm– M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Computes & Informatics, Benha University. Supervisors: Dr. Mahmoud Moussa and Prof. Dr. Effat Abas. Completion on 2009 Completed
2. Visualization of the multi-objective transportation problem – M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Computes & Informatics, Benha University. Supervisors: Dr. Mahmoud Moussa and Prof. Dr. Wael Abdel-wahed. Completion on Fall 2010 Completed
4. Data Hide Methods– M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Computes & Informatics, Benha University. Supervisors: Dr. Hatem Said Ahmed and Dr. Mahmoud Moussa. Completion on Fall 2014 Completed
3. Image encryption based on chaotic system – M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Computes & Informatics, Benha University. Supervisors: Dr. Hatem Said Ahmed, Dr. Mahmoud Moussa and Dr. Sahar Sabbeh. Completion on Fall 2014 Completed
5. Mobile cloud computing– M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Computes & Informatics, Benha University. Supervisors: Dr. Mahmoud Moussa and Completion on fall 2014. Completed
1. Enhanced Attributes-based Access Control Mechanism- M.Sc. Thesis, Suez Canal University, Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Information Systems Department. Supervisors: Dr. Tark Gaber and Dr. Mahmoud Moussa Expected completion on fall 2016. Completed
2. Data-hiding techniques - M.Sc. Thesis, Benha University Faculty of Science, Mathematics & Computer Science Department. Main Supervisors: Dr. Mahmoud Moussa, Expected completion on fall 2016. Completed
3. " Using artificial intelligence algorithms for discovering the subgraphs from a graph data set" M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Computes & Informatics, Benha University. Supervisors: Dr. Mahmoud Moussa and Dr. Ahmed El-sawy, Expected completion on 2017. Completed
4. "Using Graph-searching Algorithms for discovering Protein-Protein Interactions network" M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Computes & Informatics, Benha University. Supervisors: Dr. Mahmoud Moussa and Dr. Ahmed El-sawy, Expected completion on 2017. Completed
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