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Dr. Mannar Hosny Abd Elhameed Ali Lasheen :: Publications:

PD type of fuzzy controller for a new 3DOF fully decoupled translational manipulator
Authors: Manar Lashin ; Mohamed Fanni ; Mahmuod Magdy ; Abdelfatah M. Mohamed
Year: 2017
Keywords: Manipulators, Actuators, Niobium, PD control, Trajectory, Kinematics, Fuzzy logic
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mannar Hosny Abd Elhameed Ali Lasheen_lashin2016.1.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This paper deals with the controller design of a new fully decoupled 3DOF translational manipulator with fixed orientation of the end-effector. The proposed manipulator has several useful characteristics over its competitive counterpart such as Delta and Tsai in terms of workspace to size ratio, speed, rigidity and accuracy. The decoupled feature affects the selection of actuators size and power as well as affects the positioning accuracy of the moving platform. PD type of fuzzy controller is chosen to achieve a desired tracking performance. PD controller is widely accepted in industry due to its easiness of implementation. Fuzzy controller suits complex and nonlinear systems and has the ability to achieve zero steady state error. The proposed manipulator is tested for tracking quintic polynomial and another trajectory that composed of three sinusoidal waveform combined with different frequencies in addition to the payload variation. Moreover, the new manipulator is tested for pick and place application. Simulation results are based on Co-simulation between MS-ADAMS and Matlab. The nonlinear model is exported from MS-ADAMS to capture the dynamics of the manipulator while Matlab is used to implement the controller algorithm. The whole results show the efficiency of PD type of fuzzy controller in tracking desired trajectory even under payload variation.

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