You are in:Home/Publications/Elshazly, H.A., Elkasabgy, M. and Elleboudy, A.M. 2005. Assessment of alterations to Ko during stone columns installation using test data and cavity expansion solution. Inter. Conf. on Tsunami Reconstruction with Geosynthetics – Protection, Mitigation and Rehabilitation of Coastal and Waterway Erosion Control, Inter. Geosynthetic Society (IGS), Dec. 8-9, Bangkok, Thailand.

Ass. Lect. Mohamed Adel Ahmed Elkasabgy :: Publications:

Elshazly, H.A., Elkasabgy, M. and Elleboudy, A.M. 2005. Assessment of alterations to Ko during stone columns installation using test data and cavity expansion solution. Inter. Conf. on Tsunami Reconstruction with Geosynthetics – Protection, Mitigation and Rehabilitation of Coastal and Waterway Erosion Control, Inter. Geosynthetic Society (IGS), Dec. 8-9, Bangkok, Thailand.
Authors: Elshazly, H.A., Elkasabgy, M.A., and Elleboudy, A.M.
Year: 2005
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohamed Adel Ahmed Elkasabgy_Paper.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

A finite element model was developed to investigate the effect of installing stone columns by vibro-process on post-installation soil state of stresses, in a back analysis fashion. Field test load data was utilized as the basis for this analysis: instead of determining the soil response to the test load, based on known initial soil stresses and material properties. The analysis was inversely posed to determine the soil initial stresses, based on the recorded system settlements and the post-installation material properties. The alteration in the soil state of stresses due to stone columns installation is represented by the variation in Ko. A cavity expansion numerical solution was attempted to simulate the installation mechanism, and the corresponding changes in Ko were assessed. Both types of analyses showed that the post-installation horizontal to vertical stress ratio, K*, significantly exceeds the at rest value of Ko.

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