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Prof. Mohamed Abdou Mohamed Salem :: Publications:

Pharmacology and Safety of Tetradecylthioacetic Acid (TTA): Phase-1 Study
Authors: Reidar J. Pettersen, MD,* Mohamed Salem, MD, PhD,* Jon Skorve, PhD,†‡ Rune J. Ulvik, MD, PhD,†‡ Rolf K. Berge, PhD,†‡ and Jan Erik Nordrehaug, MD, PhD*
Year: 2008
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohamed Abdou Mohamed Salem_Phase 1 study.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This study describes the clinical, hematological, and biochemical safety of tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA). A total of 18 healthy volunteers were included. Subjects were randomly assigned into 3 groups according to the daily given dose of TTA: group 1 (200 mg), group 2 (600 mg), and group 3 (1000 mg). TTA was given as a single oral dose for 7 consecutive days. Safety was evaluated by following the adverse events, vital signs, and hematological and biochemical parameters in blood and urine samples. Efficacy was estimated through its effects on plasma lipids profile. Few adverse events of mild severity were reported. No clinically significant changes were observed in the hematological or clinical chemical parameters in blood/urine. TTA did not induce significant changes in the blood lipids or free fatty acids, but it did result in an increase in plasma concentration of D9 desaturated TTA (TTA: 1n-8). Serum concentration pattern of TTA at day 1 showed a 1.5-hour lag time followed by a rapid absorption and a slower elimination phase. The median peak values were 2.9 mg/L (range, 1.1 to 5.4 mg/L), 11.5 mg/L (range, 4 to 35 mg/L), and 11 mg/L (range, 5 to 25 mg/L), in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively (P = 0.006). The time to peak levels were 3.5 hours (range, 2.5 to 6.5 hours), 2.5 hours (range, 2.5 to 4.5 hours), and 4.5 hours (range, 2.5 to 12 hours), respectively (P = 0.2). TTA is safe and well tolerated.

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