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Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Ebrahim Mohamed

Academic Position: Professor

Current Administrative Position: Director of Measurement and Assessment Unit - Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,More

Ex-Administrative Position: Center Manager,More

Faculty: Engineering, Shoubra

Department: Electrical Engineering


Alternative Email:


Mobile: 01004934512

Scientific Name: M. A. Ebrahim

Publications [ Titles(33) :: Papers(6) :: Abstracts(31) ]

Courses Files( 279)

Inlinks: (12)

External links: (8)


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Research Interests

1-Research effort is devoted to develop a more comprehensive approach to the modeling of power systems. 2-Effort is devoted also to develop more comprehensive Studies in power systems. 3-Controlling and analysis of power systems and the relevant artificial intelligent based optimization methods applicable to the enhancement of the effectiveness of their controllers. 4-Application of the recent development in computer and internet facilities to improve teaching Methodologies benefiting from the e-learning tools and the various programs presented by the HEEPF and the ICTP. 5-Transforming the actual courses from the conventional hard copy text form into the more elegant and perceptive soft form prescribed by the e-learning management form. 6-Renewable energy distributed generation systems operation, control and analysis.

selected publications

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