Will strategic agility, organizational ambidexterity, human capital sustainability, environmental sustainability and talents management alter the competitive landscape and reconfigure the opportunities and dangers that multinational pharmaceuticals manufacturing companies in Egypt to facing COVID-19? How do managers discover, exploit, and maintain talents and manage them to take advantage of those talents and turn them into a positive element? Is human capital sustainability enhanced by talent management? Is talents management linked to organizational ambidexterity and /or strategic agility? In other words, is there a role of strategic agility practices and the organizational ambidexterity (exploration and exploitation) talents and sustainability of human capital? a sample of (382) managers and employees from multi-pharmaceuticals manufacturing companies in Egypt which surveyed. Research investigates impacts of talents management on the sustainability of human capital from the perspective of organizational ambidexterity through its two dimensions (exploration and exploitation) - as a mediator variable, The five hypotheses of the study were accepted. Results show that talent management (TM) has a positive impact on human capital sustainability (HCS) and strategic agility (SA) moderate linking between talent management (TM) and human capital sustainability (HCS). which includes ingenious solutions in creative ways by exploring and exploiting those talents and formulating and analyzing the nature of those talents to reach ingenious solutions from perspective of strategic agility as a moderator variable which consisting of: (decision-making agility, sensing agility and acting agility). |