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Prof. Mohamed Nasr Saeed :: Publications:

Impact of Toxic Leadership, Marginalization, Favouritism, Ergonomics, and Servant Leadership on Human Capital Sustainability
Authors: Mohamed Nasr Saeed
Year: 2023
Keywords: Toxic leadership, human capital, sustainability, servant leadership, favouritism, nepotism, cronyism, marginalization, ergonomics, bibliometric analysis.
Journal: Information Sciences Letters
Volume: 12
Issue: 6
Pages: 2299-2314
Publisher: Information Sciences Letters
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohamed Nasr Saeed_Toxic Leadership.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The issue of toxic leadership, marginalization, and favoritism-(nepotism-cronyism) one of the important issues that represent risky phenomena and real problem that impact and results in many negative effects on the sustainability of human capital. But the question remains, which of these managerial and psychological variables affects the sustainability of human capital most? Is toxic leadership or marginalization or favoritism or ergonomics or servant leadership are the most or least impact on the sustainability of human capital? The research focused on a puzzling subject in managerial thought philosophy and studied six variables: toxic leadership, marginalization, favouritism- (nepotism-cronyism), ergonomics, and servant leadership and their impact on the sustainability of human capital. a sample of (371) Cairo international airport (CIA) employees. Finally, the study measured and determined the six most important variables that impacted the sustainability of human capital and tested the ten research hypotheses. Additionally, suggested some recommendations and implementation mechanisms that raise the efficiency of the airline sector and contribute to moderating the effects of toxic leadership, favoritism-(nepotism-cronyism) (FNC), and marginalization on employee performance and enhancing the role of servant leadership (SL), providing and improving ergonomics (workplace conditions and environment), which contributes to the sustainability of human capital (SHC).

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