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Dr. Mohamed Shehata Saleh Khalil :: Publications:

Efficient Modeling Procedure of Novel Grating Tiling Device Using Multibody System Approach
Authors: Q Bai, M Shehata, A Nada
Year: 2020
Keywords: multibody system dynamics, dynamics for design
Journal: International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics
Volume: 94
Issue: 1
Pages: International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics
Publisher: Springer
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohamed Shehata Saleh Khalil_Paper_2020.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This paper proposes a multibody system (MBS) procedure for a novel aperture grating device which considered as a rigid-flexible multibody system. The MBS model is constructed based on the load assumptions due to grating movement. This movement can be utilized in laser generation and its consequent applications involve precision measuring instruments, optical communication and many other applications. The MBS model is used to estimate the system accelerations, static as well as dynamic loads based on the obtained Lagrange multipliers. According to the dynamic behavior and the generated forces, the mechanical design process of the grating device can be implemented with trade offs optimization in terms of grating parameters. The numerical manipulations of a proposed grating device are presented using MATLAB symbolic toolbox with very good results regarding the positioning precision, stabilit

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