Informal zones are considered as a sort of satisfaction of human needs and an expression for carrying out its main demands that the country can't afford. Even though it seems that it's an urban problem yet. It's also an economical and social problem for a particular society. It's also a direct expression for the city circumstances. And so the way of solving it as a problem must be done in a comprehensive view that aware the interlocking of this relationship. The process of the development of the informal zones proved that the policies which dealt with such areas with total rejection or even elimination were not the ideal way to solve the problem. In addition of having the policy of developing of these areas by promoting it's urban environment also failed because the authorities neglected the role of the system's components (visual form image – Urban structure – traffic problems & circulation frame)
This paper tray to find out a suitable definition to these areas In order to know the size of this problem that concerns the informal zones. The paper defined them as follows: The residential buildings which are been built by the public, whether on there own lands or land been taken unlawfully from the authorities without planning or authorization. These buildings hold the features of low standard of construction materials. In addition to low social and economical characteristics. Besides the form of housing is growing and spreading out in the absence of the law. And being done with self efforts, even without getting building license or without real estate registration. This type of housing is counted as a non-compatible situation to the stipulations of building implementation and the process of general health care.
This paper aims to finding out a suitable methodology to develop the informal zones. An Integrative system for development of urban form (I.S.D.U.F) was concluded. This system was oriented to deal with the inputs In order to have a perfect plan for the developing process. This system is designed to clarify the ideal way for the designer and the decision maker to prevent the loss of any factors or relationships of the existing problems and tools which can be manage with these problems. In order to use this system four steps must be followed:
Step one: field study to identify the most important existing problems and the priority in solving the problem
Step two: using the developing system (I.S.D.U.F.) to specify the tools.
Step three: Application
Step four: Rechecking outputs for feedback developing process.
This system will be applied later on developing some areas in Kuwait city.