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Prof. mona yehia mohamed osman shedia :: Publications:

Pattern Language As a Tool of Understanding Traditional Nubian Villages
Authors: Mona Y. Shedid
Year: 2019
Keywords: Old Traditional Communities, Socio-Cultural Dimensions, Old Nubian Communities, Pattern Language
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Pattern Language As a Tool of Understanding Traditional Nubian Villages
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper mona yehia mohamed osman shedia_7.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The urban spaces of any city are a process of social, cultural and natural aspects which interact with each other. These aspects of urban spaces are critical to producing social and cultural arrangements. Elements of urban form tend to mediate physically with its social, cultural and natural setting. This means that urban spaces can’t be defined by its physical components but requires a deep understanding of its interaction of its social and cultural aspects and natural context. Urban design of old traditional communities is an expressive of shaping the urban space according to several personal and impersonal processes such as socio-cultural aspects and natural context. The paper aims to analyze the urban spaces of the old Nubian communities through studying the interaction between the elements of old traditional Nubian village with its natural context and social and cultural dimensions and to link these elements with the fifteen fundamentals of pattern languages by Christopher Alexander to develop a prospected template, which include and analyses the various indicators and dimensions for old Nubian communities and its relation with the settlement of these communities and the fundamentals of pattern language. Then the paper will study how much these elements are in common with the natural context and social and cultural dimensions and with the fifteen fundamentals of pattern language.

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