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Prof. mona yehia mohamed osman shedia :: Publications:

Conservation of Cairo Historic Parks Towards Better Quality of Life
Authors: Zeinab F. Abdel Kader Mona Y. Shedid
Year: 2018
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper mona yehia mohamed osman shedia_3.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Historic parks are important as other forms of heritage, despite of that they don’t gain the same amount of attention. This study raises the status of historic gardens in Egypt and what they suffer from distortion and neglect. Most of architectural elements and plants of these parks are in dire situation and suffer from encroachments. Consistently of this decline, the city will lose large parts of green spaces of historical value within the urban fabric, especially with the absence of application of systems to save and protect these parks, whether domestic or international legislation or lack of availability of funding sources to support the work of the protection and restoration of these parks. The research focuses on Japanese park as one of the historic Egyptian parks. It highlights the most important vocabulary, cultural and natural elements. The research aims to reach to some plans to preserve the existing historic gardens in Egypt and re-activate their role.

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