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Prof. mona yehia mohamed osman shedia :: Publications:

An approach to convivial urban spaces: a comparison between users’ and experts’ perception of convivial urban spaces
Authors: Mona Y. Shedid and Noha H. Hefnawy
Year: 2021
Keywords: Conviviality, Convivial urban spaces, Users’ and experts’ perception, Social aspects, Quality of urban environment
Journal: Journal of Engineering and Applied Science
Volume: 68
Issue: 18
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Springer
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper mona yehia mohamed osman shedia_Shedid_et_al-2021-Journal_of_Engineering_and_Applied_Science_211027_182925.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Convivial urban spaces are a process as well as a philosophy. They revolve around observing users in specific urban spaces to comprehend their various needs, especially their social needs. Designing urban spaces for people to promote social connections is the foundation of creating convivial urban spaces. This means that this form of urban space has been interpreted as a daily social activity and as social pleasure expressed in the physical and psychological context of people's urban space. To provide a convivial environment for all users, effective convivial urban spaces should fulfill certain important aspects. From this point of view, the paper aims to identify the main aspects of creating convivial urban spaces through their repletion in the different theories. Then, the paper will evaluate and arrange the importance of the different aspects that form convivial urban spaces from the users and experts (urban designer and architects) point of view to reach the main objective of the paper which is to create a prospected framework for the urban designer and architects to help them in future decisions in designing convivial urban spaces that fulfill users’ needs.

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