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Prof. mona yehia mohamed osman shedia :: Publications:

Impact Of COVID-19 On The Public Urban Spaces: Rethinking In Designing An Urban Space In Pandemics Era
Authors: Mona Y. Shedid* , Gehan I. Hassan
Year: 2024
Keywords: Quality of Public Spaces, COVID-19, Livability.
Journal: Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector
Volume: 19
Issue: 20
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper mona yehia mohamed osman shedia_AUEJ_Volume 19_Issue 70_Pages 173-191.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The paper explores the re-thinking of designing public spaces in a pandemic era. One-half of the world's population has been asked to stay at home and avoid public places as at that time. What effect will the COVID-19 pandemic have on public space in the long run once the restrictions are lifted? From this point of view this research investigates the main aspects forming the future design of public spaces, especially in pandemic era to improve the quality of life of these spaces and their users can use them safe. It focuses on the main aspects that form public space designs, through literature review (Mathew Carmona’s book “Public Places-Urban Spaces, The Dimensions of Urban Design” (2003) and Jan Gehl’ book “How to Study Public Life”). Several questionnaires are distributed to assess these different aspects and their dimensions and indicators to suggest a model for investigating and quantifying assessment of the main aspects of future public space designs in pandemic disease time and the effect of COVID-19 on public spaces.

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