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Prof. mona yehia mohamed osman shedia :: Publications:

Exploring the different technological qualities of dynamic configurations in smart sustainable urban spaces
Authors: Mona Y. Shedid
Year: 2022
Keywords: Digital tools and smart technologies, qualities and dimensions of smart sustainable urban spaces, dynamic configuration, human needs Digital tools and smart technologies, qualities and dimensions of smart sustainable urban spaces, dynamic configuration, human needs Digital tools and smart technologies, qualities and dimensions of smart sustainable urban spaces, dynamic configuration, human needs
Journal: IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper mona yehia mohamed osman shedia_Exploring the different qualities.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Urban spaces are mainly designed for people to improve their quality of life by encouraging physical activity and social interaction. However, digital and smart technologies are now regarded as the primary supporter of any development, particularly in urban spaces, because it drives development in three areas: the development of materials, systems, and tools, which comprise the smart urban space. Purpose: The paper explore the different technological qualities forming smart sustainable urban spaces through identifying the different dimensions which must be followed to achieve a proposed framework for creating and developing smart sustainable urban spaces. Argument: The paper focuses on the technological qualities forming smart sustainable urban spaces and their different dimensions, through literature review. In addition to studying and identifying the different technologies configuring smart sustainable urban spaces to reach the relation between the main qualities which form smart sustainable urban spaces, their different dimensions, the digital tools and smart technologies. Findings: A proposed framework will be conducted to explore the relation between the main qualities which form smart sustainable urban spaces, their different dimensions, the digital tools and smart technologies to create smart sustainable urban spaces.

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