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Prof. Naglaa Mohammed Abd Elgawad :: Publications:

Egyptian British Credits In the period (1947-1955) Chapter in Egyptian-British relations
Authors: naglaa mohamed abd elgawad
Year: 2002
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: banha
Volume: 1
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 234
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Naglaa Mohammed Abd Elgawad_General budget.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

The evolution of the Egyptian state in the era of Muhammad Ali and his successors, and this is through the development of Egypt's political center under the subordination of Turkey, and exposed the weakness of the International Center for the succession of the Ottoman, along with the desire of the major countries in the integration of Egypt in the international market for goods and capital, and clarified the development of Egypt's center of the state to vassal state, through wrestling Great European powers after the departure of the French campaign and the choice of Muhammad Ali, ruler of Egypt, and came under Project Muhammad Ali for autonomy, and the project of Ibrahim Pasha to achieve full independence, and suffered actual Independence of Egypt before the 1840 Treaty of London, and legal recognition of the Egyptian state after 1840 Treaty. Governance as well as development in the Egyptian state since Muhammad Ali until 1914, in which we talked about the first: the transition from autocracy to democracy, Ltd., through the evolution of executive power in the era of Muhammad Ali and executive councils, and the evolution of the civil rights of individuals, and the evolution of the executive branch after Muhammad Ali. Second: the separation of the legislative branch from the executive branch and in which we were the features of the parliamentary system and the parliaments in the era of Muhammad Ali and the establishment of the Shura Council of Representatives in the reign of Khedive Ismail and how to be the Shura Council of Representatives and the terms of

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