It is possible to use marine microbial polysaccharides as antioxidants in a variety of sectors because of their unique
properties. A total of 12 bacterial isolates were gathered from a variety of coastal habitats for further study. These bacteria
were tested for exopolysaccharides (EPSs) synthesis, with the top bacterial isolate ES12 producing 6.8 g/l. DPPH free radical
scavenging activity was used to assess antioxidant activity, with ES12 (97.20 percent) and ES6 (19.81 percent) being the
highest and lowest, respectively, whereas five EPSs did not demonstrate this activity. The maximum yield of EPS was 8.2 g/l
and cell dry was (4.5 g/l) at 40°C after three days, RPM 120, pH 7, peptone as nitrogen sources, and sucrose with (20 g/l) as a
carbon source for isolate (ES12) in the investigation.