Title |
In progress/Completed |
The professional development for the school manager in the light of the requirements of the globalization of administration. a field study in cooperation with professor ahmed ibraheem ahmed |
Completed |
Developing the primary school administration in Egypt by using the total quality measures in cooperation with professor ahmed ibraheem and mohammed rasmi |
Completed |
Developing the administration of the high education in the faculty of education in the light of students problems, in cooperation with professor shebl badran |
Completed |
Cognition administration as an introduction for the assurance of the quality of the collegial institutions , a field study in the faculty if education in Egypt, in cooperation with doctor gamal abu el wafa and doctor mahmoud awad allah |
Completed |
School centralized development in the light of the total quality assurance, a comparative study for international models in cooperation with professor gamal abu el wafa and professor shebl badran |
In Progress |
The requirements of applying the total quality assuance in the high educations institutions in egypt in the light of the experiences of some countries in cooperation with professor ahmed ibraheem and professor gamal abu el wafa |
In Progress |
Civil community institutions role in developing the Egyptian education in the light of experiences of some countries( a comparative study) in cooperation with professor shebl badran |
In Progress |