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Dr. Salwa Ibrahim Mahomud khalil Mohamed :: Publications:

Effect of Organizational Cynicism Management Educational Program on Nurses’ Organizational Commitment and Job Embeddedness
Authors: 1 Tahany Mohamed Osama Elsayed, 2 Nermin Mohamed Eid and 3 Salwa Ibrahim Mahmoud
Year: 2024
Keywords: Commitment, Cynicism attitude, Cynicism knowledge, Embeddedness, Nurses
Journal: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Salwa Ibrahim Mahmoud
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Salwa Ibrahim Mahomud khalil Mohamed_paper seven.pdf
Supplementary materials Salwa Ibrahim Mahomud khalil Mohamed_paper seven.pdf

Organizational cynicism is one of the major issues that exists in healthcare organizations and associated with nurses' attitude. Also, it is undesirable attitude that is reported to have a negative impact on nurses’ commitment and job embeddedness. Aim of the study: To assess effect of organizational cynicism management on nurses' organizational commitment and job embeddedness Study design: A Quasi-experimental design was utilized to meet the aim of this study. Setting: The study was conducted at general medical units at Benha University Hospital. Study subjects: A systematic simple random sample included 58 nurses chosen from the above mentioned units. Tools of data collection: Four different tools were used namely; Tool (I) Organizational cynicism management knowledge questionnaire, Tool (II) Organizational cynicism attitude scale, Tool (III) Organizational commitment questionnaire and Tool (IV) Job embeddedness scale. Results: Majority (94.8%) of nurses had inadequate knowledge regarding organizational cynicism at pre-program phase, but it improved to become (89.7% and 77.6%) adequate knowledge at immediate post and follow up program phase. Also, majority (86.2%) of nurses had high organizational cynicism attitude at pre-program phase, but it improved to (67.2% and 53.4%) at immediate post and follow up phases respectively.

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