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Prof. Sania Mahmoud Ahmed Abdo :: Publications:

Major phospholipid fractions of goats’ milk
Authors: A. E. Abou Dawood, Sania M. Abdou, Ibtisam I. Chita.
Year: 1977
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Annals of agricultural science, Moshtohor
Volume: 15
Issue: 2
Pages: 63-66
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Sania Mahmoud Ahmed Abdo_Major phospholipid fractions of goats’ milk.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The major phospholipid fractions in goats’ bulk milk were determined as ltcithin, cephalin and sphingomyelin. The average values for these fractions were respectively 9. 30, 16. 25 and 7. 38 mg/100 ml. milk i. e. in approximate ratio of 4 : 7 : 3.

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