The Blind signature is similar to digital signature except that a message is signed by a signer without knowing the content of the message. It is one of the most famous cryptographic techniques in E-voting system (EVS) that guarantee the anonymity of the voters. In this paper, first, we analyze a recently introduced blind signature scheme and show that, the attacker can forge a legitimate signature for any desired message without obtaining the signer’s private key. In other words, Mohsen et al.’s blind signature scheme is universally forgeable. Then, a new blind signature scheme based on the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) and the modified ElGamal digital signature is presented. The proposed blind signature scheme meets all properties of blind signature such as correctness, blindness, unforgeability and untraceability. Therefore, the proposed blind signature scheme is more efficient in EVS to ensure voter anonymity, in other words to remove voter’s identity from his cast ballot. |