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Dr. Sherif Ibrahim Ahmed Ramadan :: Publications:

analysis of genetic diversity of Egyptian pigeon breeds
Authors: Sherif Ramadan , Hideaki Abe , Azusa Hayano , Junichi Yamaura , Tomoaki Onoda ,Takeshi Miyake and Miho Inoue-Murayama
Year: 2011
Keywords: Egyptian breed, genetic diversity, microsatellite, mitochondrial pigeon
Journal: Journal of Poultry Science
Volume: 48
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 13 2.
Publisher: Japan Poultry Science Association.
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Sherif Ibrahim Ahmed Ramadan_pigeon genetic diversity.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Ancient Egyptians used pigeons not only as food in the form of squab but also as a messenger by virtue of their strong homing ability. Pigeons are bred for many purposes like meat in the form of squabs, exhibition as fancy and ornamental, flying and sports like racing competition, and finally for laboratory experiments of cognitive sciences. In this study, a total of pigeon samples of six Egyptian breeds ( ) and Japanese racing pigeons ( ) were surveyed. One sample from each breed was sequenced for mitochondrial gene and all samples were genotyped across microsatellites loci. From sequence, all the seven studied populations were found to belong to same the species ( ). By the analysis of microsatellite loci a total of alleles were observed with an average of . alleles per locus. The expected heterozygosities of the six Egyptian breeds and Japanese racing pigeons were . and . , respectively. showed a relatively high mean of . which indicated that there is a great di erentiation among the seven pigeon populations. Zagel breed and Japanese racing pigeons showed the lowest values for both pairwise ( . ) and Nei’s genetic distance ( . ). The information from this study would be useful for genetic characterization and provide a foundation for developing sustainable genetic improvement and conservation programs of this agriculturally and commercially important species.

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