You are in:Home/Publications/- Implementation of HACCP System to Meat Industry. Proceedings of the International Conference on “Quality Assurance of Foods” “L’Assurance De La Qualité En agro-alimentaire”, L’ Association Africaine de Microbiologie et d’hygiène Alimentaire (A.A.M.H.A.) & La Fédération agro-alimentaire de I’UTICA , Tunis, Tunisie, 13-14 Jaune 1996, Capter 6 Pages 1-8 .

Prof. Saad Mahmoud Saad :: Publications:

- Implementation of HACCP System to Meat Industry. Proceedings of the International Conference on “Quality Assurance of Foods” “L’Assurance De La Qualité En agro-alimentaire”, L’ Association Africaine de Microbiologie et d’hygiène Alimentaire (A.A.M.H.A.) & La Fédération agro-alimentaire de I’UTICA , Tunis, Tunisie, 13-14 Jaune 1996, Capter 6 Pages 1-8 .
Authors: Not Available
Year: 1996
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
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