The unified power system network is one of the main
features of rire world policy for serving the. electrical
*tt. One example for such a system is the unitted
it*u* lorauni* electrical power system network'
*i1irt uit" to secure the supply of electrical, energy for
the trvo countries. This unified nefwork has already been
.rltritf*a and eiists in service, comecting both Egypt
and Jordan since 1998. ln the near future other countries
*irr u" connected to this network, starting from Morocco
dorm to Sudan in the south' This network' in frrrn' will
be connecieC to the unified European nefu'ork though
iurt.y in the north. A precise load fore.casting study is
o...rtu,1' rtquired for this unified nefxork
ihl, ,uort .on...n, with the Egyptian Jordanian unified
nlt"o.t. rihich is the first staii of the Unified Arab
World Po$er System Network' the studies of this work
are carried out using orte of the econometric method
technique:. rvhich is .utt"O " Multiple Regressi6n Curve
;i; ;;.' Using this technique, the peak- load'.generation
energy and Jnergy sales are estillleted for the comlng
years. For the cases of the study' actua-l data of the
lnified F$\'er system, through the last.few years are
used, then tlre output results are compared with the input
data for resting the accuracy of the rechnique.'used' The
study also collcentrates artd highlights o.n^the accuracy
anti sensiririry of the applied rnodel used for this study'
ii* p.op''s.i technique for the interconnected netrvorks
can be applied to simple as well as practical and
co;nplicaie,! power systenl networks' |