Title: | Smida MB, Sakly A, Vaidyanathan S, Azar AT (2018) Control-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking for a Grid-Connected Hybrid Renewable Energy System Optimized by Particle Swarm Optimization. Advances in System Dynamics and Control, pp. 58-89, IGI-Global, USA. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-4077-9.ch003 |
Authors: | Not Available |
Year: | 2018 |
Keywords: | Not Available |
Journal: | Advances in System Dynamics and Control |
Volume: | Not Available |
Issue: | Not Available |
Pages: | 58-89 |
Publisher: | IGI-Global, USA |
Local/International: | International |
Paper Link: | |
Full paper | Not Available |
Supplementary materials | Not Available |
Abstract: |
There has been a great deal of interest in renewable energy sources for electricity generation, particularly for photovoltaic and wind generators. These energy resources have enormous potential and can meet the current global demand for energy. Despite the obvious advantages of renewable energy sources, they have significant disadvantages, such as the discontinuity of their generation, due to their heavy dependence on weather and climate change, which affects their effectiveness in the conversion of renewable energy. Faced with this conflict, it is essential to optimize the performance of renewable systems in order to increase their efficiency. Several unconventional approaches to optimization have been developed in the literature. In this chapter, the management of a hybrid renewable energy system is optimized by intelligent approach based on particle swarm optimization comprising a shaded photovoltaic generator and a wind generator. |