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Assist. Ahmed Mohamed Alhussaini Ali Abdel Rahman Hamad :: News:

Biofilm related to Animal health and Foodborne pathogens [2023-05-12]

I am pleased to proudly and happily announce the completion of the research project entitled "Biofilm related to Animal health and Foodborne pathogens." The project funded by Science and Technology Development Fund at Benha University under the supervision of Dr. Shimaa N. Edris, the principal investigator of the project. I was pleased to be one of its members and work with her for one year. A year of work and effort, during which our efforts were crowned with success by publishing a research paper in the journal ranked No. 38 in the world in the field of veterinary medicine (Q1). download attachment

Obtaining funding to support innovative projects for higher education students from the Higher Education Development Projects Management Unit [2023-01-20]

Obtaining funding to support innovative projects for higher education students from the Higher Education Development Projects Management Unit - Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for a project entitled “sustainable applications for the valorization of low-value egg protein in functional fermented dairy products” and participating in it as a deputy project advisor.

ELSEVIER Peer reviewing [2023-01-20]

I'm delighted to share with you my experience as a peer reviewer for one of Elsevier's prominent journals, Measurement: Food. If you're unfamiliar with the journal, it's an open-access journal that accepts original, high-quality contributions from all relevant fields of this highly topical and multi-disciplinary subject.

RCS Peer reviewing [2023-01-20]

join the Royal Society of Chemistry reviewer’s database, especially for FOOD & FUNCTION. For those who do not know this journal, it is one of the journals issued by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).

GFI's Collaborative research directory [2023-01-20]

participate in the GFI's Collaborative research directory. This will serve as the first step in establishing a framework for alternative protein research in Egypt and the rest of the Middle East and Africa. It is important to note that the Good Food Institute (GFI) is an international network of organizations advancing alternative proteins as an essential solution needed to meet the world’s climate, global health, food security, and biodiversity goals. Powered by philanthropy.

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