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Dr. Amira mohamed Salama abdelfattah :: Publications:

Effect of Educational Guideline on Nurses Performance Regarding Postnatal Care of Mothers and Neonates
Authors: Samah Abd Elhaleim said, Hemmat Mostafe Elbana and Amira Mohammed Salama
Year: 2022
Keywords: educational guideline, postnatal care, mothers and neonates
Journal: SAGE Open Nursing
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Pages: 1-11
Publisher: Amira Mohammed Salama Abdelfattah
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Amira mohamed Salama abdelfattah_PAPER 1.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background: Postnatal periods are very sensitive periods for both the mother and the neonates where morbidity and mortality are high. Post natal care knowledge has significant role in reducing such complications. The research aimed to determine the educational guideline’s effect on nurses’ performance regarding mothers and neonates’ postnatal care. Design: A quasi-experimental design was decided to fulfil the aim of this study. Setting: The study was conducted in the obstetric skill lab of faculty of nursing, Benha university. Sample: A purposive sample was used to recruit 140 maternity nurses from Maternal and child health centres at kalioubia governorate. data collection: Two tools were used: Tool (I) Structured Questionnaire sheet. It is composed of these parts: Part I: Socio-demographic characteristics and Part II: nurses’ knowledge about postpartum care. Tool (II) postpartum care observation checklist. Results: knowledge and practices about postpartum care showed highly statistically significant differences between pre and post- implementation phases, and total knowledge score regarding post-partum care were improved from 34.52% pre implementation to 45.65% after implementation with (t = 8.11 and p

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