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Dr. Amira mohamed Salama abdelfattah :: Publications:

Effectof Educational Intervention Based on the Health Belief Model on Preventive Behavior of Maternity Nurses towards COVID-19 and Its Vaccination
Authors: Sabah Lofty Mohamed El Sayed1, Amira Mohammed Salama2, Amany S. Badawy
Year: 2024
Keywords: COVID-19, Health Education Interventions, Health Belief Model, Knowledge, Preventive Behavior
Journal: Tanta Scientific Nursing Journal
Volume: 24
Issue: 1
Pages: 329-346
Publisher: Amira Mohammed Salama Abdelfattah
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Amira mohamed Salama abdelfattah_TSNJ_Volume 24_Issue 1_Pages 329-346.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background: Egypt has implemented stringent preventive and precautionary steps against COVID-19 to protect citizens. COVID-19 has a high risk of human-to-human transmission, and millions of people worldwide have suffered negative consequences. Aim:This study aimed to find out how an educational intervention based on the health belief model affects the maternity nurses' behavior towards COVID-19 and its vaccine.Subjects and Method:Setting:In the Department of Obstetrics at Zagazig University Hospital.Subjects:An interventional study was conducted via convenience sampling on all nurses who provided care to women during childbirth using the following tools; 1) Nurses' demographic features; 2) Nurses' understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic; 3) The health belief model; and 4) Nurses' COVID-19 pandemic prevention behavior.Results: The findings revealed a statistically significant positive correlation between nurses' Covid-19 knowledge and educational intervention (P 0.000). Before and after the educational intervention, there are statistically significant differences in the mean scores and level of the health belief model (P 0.000). A highly significant positive correlation between the health belief model and the intervention (r = 0.89 & p 0.000) was also found.Conclusion:Aneducational intervention based on the health beliefs model has significantly improved knowledge and preventive behavior of nurses towards COVID- 19.Recommendations:Workers in the health sector should be targeted for health-education interventions since they are at a higher risk of getting COVID-19.

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